Praise is Pleasant

Hallelujah! How good it is to sing praises to our God, for praise is pleasant and lovely. Psalm 147:1

How good is it really to praise God? If the psalmist said it is a pleasant thing to do, we may ask, pleasant for who? For the praised or the one that praises, that is God or man? Singing praises comes from a grateful heart, it comes out of joy and deep appreciation of gift or service received. So, that is what makes praise pleasant, because it naturally comes from a place of joy and happiness. And so Christians should be God’s praise singers at every opportunity because God indeed gladdens our heart, and has given us an eternal gift of his son. He not only gave us his son, but he blesses us daily. He prepares a table before us, in the presence of our enemies, and his goodness and mercies shall follow us for all the days of our lives. You see why the Psalmist could see praise as a pleasant adventure? Because he understood the goodness of God, because it is only right to praise the one who blesses, cares, nurtures and protects his people. Praise is indeed pleasant.

Praising our God is not only a beautiful act of worship, but also an expression of our love for Him. When we raise our voices in praise and gratitude, we are demonstrating our devotion to God and forming a deep bond with Him. We acknowledge that God loved us first and sacrificed himself for us, and in doing so, we affirm Him as our ultimate king and ruler, the source of all blessings in our lives. Praising God fills our hearts with joy and helps us to better understand His greatness and love. It is indeed a wonderful thing to praise our God and to show our love for Him through worship and song.

When we praise God, we are recognizing His sovereignty over all things, and expressing our trust and reliance on Him. It is a declaration of faith and an acknowledgement of His power and grace. Our praise acts as an offering of thanks for all that He has done for us, and for all the blessings He continues to bestow upon us. By praising Him, we are expressing our gratitude for His love, mercy, and provision. Moreover, praising God has a profound impact on our own lives as well. It lifts our spirits, renews our hope, and brings peace to our hearts. It also helps us to cultivate a more positive outlook and attitude, and strengthens our faith. When we praise God, we are aligning our hearts and minds with His will and purpose, and allowing His love and light to shine brighter in our lives. 

Praising God is a powerful act of worship, and an expression of our love and gratitude for Him. It strengthens our relationship with God, brings joy to our hearts, and transforms our lives. Let us praise the Lord always, and give thanks to Him for all He has done and continues to do in our lives.