Becoming One with God 

But now in Christ Jesus, you who were far away have been brought near by the blood of the Messiah. For He is our peace, who made both groups one and tore down the dividing wall of hostility.

Ephesians 2:13-14

In time past, Gentiles did not know God for several reasons. One reason was cultural: Jews who knew God had rituals, feasts, and ceremonies that distinguished them from the nations. Another reason is racial, the Jews could boast of having the blood of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob flowing in their veins whereas the Gentiles could not.

But through Christ these two groups of people have become friends. Paul, in writing to the Ephesians spoke about how these two broad groups of peoples divided by their culture and race were now united into one body. In fact, he went ahead to proclaim that this unity proclaims the mystery of the universe (Ephesians 3:10). Jesus accomplished this peace-making work through His sacrificial death. This death brought about reconciliation, the breakdown of the wall of partition between gentiles and God and also the breakdown of the wall between Jews and Gentiles, or simply put, the entire human race. The whole body of Christ has been made into one with God through this sacrifice. And we need to remember this.

Why is it important that we remember this reconciliation? Well, it is so that we may live with a greater sense of gratitude to God and greater love for one another as members of the church. When we appreciate where we came from, who we were prior to the gift of Jesus and what that meant for us, we become better Christians. We were a people without God, alienated from the commonwealth of godliness and godly people; in desperation, worshipping of idols that can neither hear nor help in times of need. To become one with God in Christ is a significant journey, an awesome change in fortune and a splendid turn of events. That we have access to God whenever and wherever; that we have the spirit and indeed God in our hearts; that the spirit can intercede for us and help our weaknesses is such a critical aspect of our Christian life that we ought to remember.

Also, we do not only celebrate God living in us, we can also celebrate the fact that we have become one human race, a common people of God, a chosen generation, to be able to call each other brother and sister, to become joint heirs with Christ, to stand in likeness before God and to be able to intercede for each other or help each other is but a significant shift from our previous state of hopelessness to great hope with like and precious promises.

We should remember now that Jesus Christ has become our peace by tearing down the wall of hostility with God, not only has he become our peace but he has also left with us peace that surpasses all human understanding, not as the world gives. So, to have Christ is to have peace with God, fellow humans and with self. It is to be one with God, it is to live in the hope of his calling and in the knowledge that when this passing world is done, we will obtain an even better and greater reward that is eternal.